Pics from around India and Thailand
Where laundry gets done in Mumbai
A clay pot kiln in Dharavi slum, Mumbai
Dharavi slum in Mumbai
Elephanta Cave, on an island off Mumbai
Vegetable market in Bangalore
Global group pic at Soukya Healing Center
Global group pic with Karnatak Classical Dancers at the ECC
Silkworms being fed mulberry leaves at a rural farm near Bangalore
Cauliflower ready for market
Silk cocoons being unravelled into thread
Weaving silk into fabric for saris
Global group pic at a rural Mar-Thoma Church
Julia bedecked in her sari for Diwali
All the beautiful Global women ready for a celebration
Diwali, A Festival of Lights, at the ECC
The Hodel family decked out at the ECC
Artist Jyoti Sahi at his art ashram outside Bangalore
How many people can you fit on a moped?
Beautiful lotus blossoms
A typical entry decoration in a temple: large brass bowl filled with water and flowers
The Art of Living ashram (or some might call it the "art of selling")
Julia and the monkey
Holy man on a holy mountain in Tiruvannamalai
Monkeys at the ashram
Marty, the Hindu high priest, and Rev. Dr. Cherian Thomas at the temple
Our Global group at the same temple in Tiruvannamalai
Sweeping up the flowers in the yard at ECC
A friend from the bus in the lane next to ours during a traffic jam
Beautiful friends at the ECC
Jain statue in Shravanabologula
Bird of paradise
Shana with the head of housekeeping at the ECC, Susheela
Shana with children's books that we donated to the ECC library, with Marjorie and library assistant
Marty and Shana with the director of ECC and his wife at our farewell
Shana, Christoph, and Julia at the Taj Mahal
Global Semester 2013 at the Taj Mahal
Shana with her anniversary gift (for the next couple of years) in Agra at the marble inlay workshop
The doorman at our lunch stop in Agra
Beautiful flowers at the Agra fort
Contemplative monkeys
The memorial to Mahatma Gandhi in New Delhi
The Global group (with Sara's parents) at the Grand Palace in Bangkok
Reclining Buddha in Bangkok
Monks chanting at the temple of the Reclining Buddha (below, fruit stand in Bangkok)
Where laundry gets done in Mumbai
A clay pot kiln in Dharavi slum, Mumbai
Dharavi slum in Mumbai
Elephanta Cave, on an island off Mumbai
Vegetable market in Bangalore
Global group pic at Soukya Healing Center
Global group pic with Karnatak Classical Dancers at the ECC
Silkworms being fed mulberry leaves at a rural farm near Bangalore
Cauliflower ready for market
Silk cocoons being unravelled into thread
Weaving silk into fabric for saris
Global group pic at a rural Mar-Thoma Church
Julia bedecked in her sari for Diwali
All the beautiful Global women ready for a celebration
Diwali, A Festival of Lights, at the ECC
The Hodel family decked out at the ECC
Artist Jyoti Sahi at his art ashram outside Bangalore
How many people can you fit on a moped?
Beautiful lotus blossoms
A typical entry decoration in a temple: large brass bowl filled with water and flowers
The Art of Living ashram (or some might call it the "art of selling")
Julia and the monkey
Holy man on a holy mountain in Tiruvannamalai
Monkeys at the ashram
Marty, the Hindu high priest, and Rev. Dr. Cherian Thomas at the temple
Our Global group at the same temple in Tiruvannamalai
Sweeping up the flowers in the yard at ECC
A friend from the bus in the lane next to ours during a traffic jam
Beautiful friends at the ECC
Jain statue in Shravanabologula
Bird of paradise
Shana with the head of housekeeping at the ECC, Susheela
Shana with children's books that we donated to the ECC library, with Marjorie and library assistant
Marty and Shana with the director of ECC and his wife at our farewell
Shana, Christoph, and Julia at the Taj Mahal
Global Semester 2013 at the Taj Mahal
Shana with her anniversary gift (for the next couple of years) in Agra at the marble inlay workshop
The doorman at our lunch stop in Agra
Beautiful flowers at the Agra fort
Contemplative monkeys
The memorial to Mahatma Gandhi in New Delhi
The Global group (with Sara's parents) at the Grand Palace in Bangkok
Reclining Buddha in Bangkok
Monks chanting at the temple of the Reclining Buddha (below, fruit stand in Bangkok)
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